Monday, August 25, 2014

Week 5- Varkala. From Crows to Sea Eagles

I left the Greens Ayur Clinic on Sunday evening and caught the overnight train to Varkala in southern Kerala.
When I boarded the train with my 2 heavy bags (an excessive amount of stuff compared to all the Indian travelers!) I found everyone sleeping, the bunks were dark and I couldn't find mine. So I hunkered down in an empty bed until I was asked to move by the man who had a ticket for that seat. He helped me find my bunk which was occupied by an older Indian women, so I climbed to the top in this small compartment that had 3 other sleeping people. It was surprising comfortable and quiet and I did get a few hours sleep before I arrived at my destination 10 hrs later. By the time I was ready to get off the train- all the others had left so I could take a picture to share with you.

Varkala is a coastal town and I am staying at a place right on the cliff that overlooks the Arabian Sea. I am staying at The Oceano Cliff  which is a beautiful, peaceful sanctuary off the beaten path. For the first time in 5 weeks I am not hearing the endless honking of horns and loud noise but instead the sound of the waves hitting the beach way below. I am one of the only guests here which is strange, there is one other Australian couple who I am going to go to see some sites with on Wed & Thurs.

When I first arrived in my lovely room I sat on the patio to watch the sea and I saw several brown winged birds with white heads. I had thought these could be bald eagles but then read they are only found in North America. These are Sea Kites- a type of sea eagle that is very common in Asia. Then I had the blessing from this amazing bird to come and welcome me. He/she sat about 15ft away on a coconut tree branch for several minutes. I talked to the eagle and it was very interested in what I had to say ;)

I will be here for another week and then be coming home which I am also looking forward to!

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