Tuesday, August 26, 2014

The Story of the Origins of Ayurveda & Kerala Murals at the Oceano Cliff Ayurvedic Hotel

There are beautiful murals at the Ocean Cliff hotel where I am staying. I am posting the story about the origins of Ayurveda that I found on the web. 
Ayurveda, the Upaveda of Rigveda, is said to have its origin with Lord Brahma, the creator of this universe. It is not surprising that Ayurveda, the Science of Life, has its roots in spiritualism, though only the healing side of it has come to light. Ayurveda is a holistic way of life rather than just a medical science. It reveals the intimate relationship between the mind and body, humans and the cosmos. Ayurveda basically evolved not as a medical system but as a way of life that would enable man to reach the state of Brahman or Moksha or Enlightenment.
To attain this highest state, humans needed a healthy body and mind, which would help one to attain that state. To keep the body and mind healthy, one would live the Ayurvedic way-a holistic approach for a happy, healthy and peaceful life. Following the diet, regimen and routine accordingly thereby attaining Enlightenment through Ayurveda.
The story of how Ayurveda descended from the abode of Gods down to Earth is interesting. Lord Brahma, recollected his knowledge of Ayurveda and taught Prajapati which is depicted below.....

Prajapati then passed it on to the Aswini twins. 

They in turn taught Indra, the king of Devas. 

Indra passed it on to the Rishis on earth like Bharadwaja and Atreya.

Below are pictures of these incredible murals that are painted on the walls that surround the Ayurvedic clinic. They are made with natural dyes in a traditional Kerala mural painting style. These murals depicts the scenes of various Ayurvedic treatments, herbal preparations, yogic lifestyle which are all showing the importance of the interconnections with the natural world.

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